Saturday, February 02, 2008


Ever have a problem with it? I do daily, and i'm not talking about eating or having sex, or playing too many video games. I'm talking about alcohol and drugs and excessive money spending (monies you dont have). I really don't know limits as far as those things go, and I find myself in trouble afterwards. I can't make those good decisions that some people can make in those states. Like you have 130 dollars in your account. This class you have to pay for is 120 dollars...and you buy a $10 drink and tip $1... now what? You don't get paid until next Thursday and you're going to get dropped from the class. These are my problems with alcohol. It's effecting my life that way, and when it comes to future and finances...I think that's where I need to draw some sort of line. Now is the hard part, so i've told myself to stop drinking or IF I do hang out to just have one drink and be the designated driver (that's another issue...driving drunk). Anyway, i'm not having much success with this no drink/one drink statute ive placed upon myself. So... theres no real answer to this problem. Other than just shutting myself in, or not hanging out...we know thats not going to happen. Some might say well "its easy to go broke if you dont have any money to begin with"...yeah i agree. But will my habits change once i get a real job...IF I get a real job? Just writing as i'm thinking...very journal like. unorganized thoughts. The best really. Keep you posted on this situation (pun intended).


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