Tuesday, October 12, 2004


I have absolutely no money. I lived off my credit card and now is almost PERFECT timing to run out of money as i've just started working. HOWEVER, I won't be getting paid until the 22nd of October for two weeks worked in the beg. of October, and i'm missing a week to go home. So I work 3 weeks in October. Next time we get paid after the 22nd of October is on the 5th of November. Which is still early and rent is generally not deposited that soon. So the question is can I make 640 dollars in 3 weeks of working? Well, so far in two weeks i've made 295 dollars. Hopefully the week I get back from vacation I work like 30 hours so that can get put towards my November 5th check, then I should be good. But that won't happen AND I just did the mental math and it still won't be enough. Basically unless I get money when I go home (around 200 dollars) I won't be able to pay rent for the month of November. So I say to you, don't be like me. Not only that but now I have this credit card to pay each month as well. 20 dollars but still that's an extra 20 I could use towards rent OR food. Problem will not stop until December. I'll have a full month in November to work and December should be good. ...that's about all I have for now on that. If you read all of this, thank you, you didn't have to though i'm just RANTING!


Blogger Kid Nix said...

Yeah, it's awful. Once you get out of it though and get on "track" it's soooo good.

3:40 PM  

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