Monday, February 21, 2005

Another Wintry Blast

Finally got some more snow tonight. We'll get about 4-8 inches from this one. It's a wet, heavy snow this time too. That means snowball, snowball, snowball fight! This winter has been so sucky. I was expecting a record snowfall amount this winter. What did I get? Probably the lowest (or close to it) snowfall accumulation for the city of New York in like...I dont know, who knows! That being said. I'm moving to Syrcacuse-seriously-Hawaii. How I miss the sun and sand. I will admit that. New York is great though. So glad I decided to move here. Great place to be post 9/11 right? That's what I was told. Shiite!!! New movie coming out in March about the lives of America's troops in Iraq. Saw some documentation on it, looks pretty sweet. No violence, no graphic killing, no roadside explosions...just life in Iraq for a U.S. soldier. I'm there. I wonder if I could make it over there in Iraq. If I could take it. I'm not sure I have what it takes. I'm not very strong. I'm getting there though. Slowly, but surely I will. Where? Stronger in my faith. Which will take me places only God knows where. I found a church out here. Service on Thursday...i'm going to check it out if I can get over there. Make it happen! If I can make a 730 practice on Thursday I can definitely make a church service. I'm glad God is so forgiving. Give me patience, strength, faith, temperance, and wisdom. James 1:13

Thursday, February 17, 2005


It's unfortunate that we have to work to survive. I'm not saying or even trying to figure out a way to "live" and not have money as an issue in our day to day lives. I'm merely stating that I think it "sucks." Of course if I had money I wouldn't even posting about this. So I won't talk about that anymore. That's done. Has anyone read William S. Burroughs' book titled Nova Express? Can you please help me understand what's going on the book if you have?! I get it, but I don't get it. It's a good read only for his satirical take on, I guess, society. Again like I said, I have no idea what's going on. Any help would be greatly appreciated...20's only please. Thanks. I got this Gorilla Sex Drive going on I can't seem to tame. I guess there's only one thing that can cure i'll consider other options before that. First option is this book I got from my buddy Chris titled Every Young Man's Battle. I know..."good luck!" Well I got a little more than "luck" on my side. I got band practice today...I hope it's fun. Lately practices have been a little crazy for me. Not in the sense that we're doing a lot, because we really aren't doing much. I just mean that it's not as fun as it used to be. Is it something i'm doing? Am I taking myself out of it? Is it where we're practicing? Is it what we're practicing? Does anyone else feel this way? Is it who? or is it Why? Answers to questions don't always come easy-but they do come-soon I hope. I'm in the middle of reading like four different books. I don't know if that's the smartest way to go about getting books out of the way so you can move on to the next. I think you should probably focus on one at a time...unless you're reading for school...which is probably part of my problem with school. We'll dive into that deeper a little later. Then again no time like the present. Presently I don't feel like talking about that. I'm dirty, uncleansed, in more than one sense of the word. I mean my shirt is filthy, and I stink. I also mean I have such a long way to go to becoming "christ-like". I am trying though, it's hard. He doesn't expect perfection that's what I do know. But when one does falter, to repent and ask forgiveness (and mean it). It's tough in our daily lives that we have become so wrapped up in to take time and actually sit down and pray with meaning. It's so easy to ready a daily prayer and recite it..."go through the motions" if you will. There's no formula, only sincerity. I gotta get me one of them nifty pocket bibles. Oh man, that would be great. Anytime at my disposal I got the word in front of me. The book of James right now is really where it's at for me. James and Acts. I feel a new life sometimes, a new breath, fresh air seeping into my aqualungs. Things are beautiful to me that, before, I paid no mind to. As bizarre as it sounds, i'm falling more in love with New would think not with all the violence and craziness that goes on here. I've got a piece of peace. Just taking everything in as I walk around and ride public transportation in this great city I call "home". I think it funny when I see people getting mad because someone in front of them isnt walking up the escalator and is in their've been living in New York for who knows how long...if it's that important to you to get to where you gotta go at a certain time...leave earlier please. Don't worsen others day's because you're bothered by others who are just doing as you are but in less rush. I don't let it bother me though. I laugh (out loud sometimes). It's great. There's only one thing that gets me...not having any money to get an unlimited Metrocard...and getting myself in "pickles" because i'm stranded somewhere in the city with no money or way home. Life is great now, but it only gets better.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

God Is Good

He's definitely working on me. I feel it every night and every day. I guess you could say, and have, that i'm God wacky. It's great. He's so amazing to me right now I can't even extrapolate on what's going. I wish I could be more voluble about what's going on in my life right now. However, i'm content leaving you with "God is good."

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Let it Work

As a teenager we had a saying when someone would drop a piece of candy, food, or anything you are going to put in your mouth on the ground, "God made dirt, and dirt don't hurt, so pop it in your mouth and let it work." That means so much to me right now looking back on it. I've been doing some reading lately, yes I read, and in doing so come across some things that have been pointing me towards some "thing" aka-God. It's pretty interesting how he's inched his way into my life. Now I should say this, it's not like he was never a part of my life before. I used to frequent church until about 4th grade. Then from there until about the time I moved out of my parents' house I would go about every other weekend to receive the word. Even after moving out I constantly recited my nightly prayers to Him. Just something that was more of a formality, sort of a propiety for Christians. I said sort of. But as of the last week, or so, He has started to "talk" to me through different sources. So instead of always ignoring Him I picked up the Bible and started flipping through it, just reading at random from different scriptures. Touching. Some interesting stuff. It's scary. Scary in a good way. So i'm reading a book I got as a Christmas (yeah that is funny) gift, written by your favorite one-time aetheist turned Christian writer CS Lewis, titled Mere Christianity. It's a good look on both sides and starts off very non-persuasive (of course). But that's where I am right now...and...I don't think i'm turning back this time. It's not going to happen overnight and it's really a constant struggle as far as I can see but it's the road that has called me back to it. This little light of mine...