Thursday, October 14, 2004

Sleepless Nights and Long Days

...12:00 a.m. rolls around and i'm finally winding down to head to bed. FANTASTIC. or is it? I was going to bed at 12 a.m. and destined for 8 solid hours of sleep before waking up at, well...8! It was well planned out until I laid down and closed my eyes and couldn't keep them closed. I tossed and I turned, i shreeked and i groaned. None of it was working. I even counted sheep and tried the "holding your tongue in the middle of your mouth without touching the sides" technique. NOTHING!'s about 3 a.m. now and im still tossing and turning. I realize that one major reason why I couldn't sleep, and it's not his fault, was because my roomate had his light on in his "room." Well his room is up on the mezzanine and basically his lamp light is positioned almost in what would be the center of the loft, basically providing light for the whole place. I am a light sleeper as is, and everytime i close my eyes and then turn around and open them and see a bright light it doesn't really help in trying to get to sleep. So 5:15 a.m. rolls around and I look at my cell phone one last time and finally doze off. YES! ...things are great. I can get about 3 hours of sleep now. or can i? NO! My roomates phone rings at 7 a.m. and he answers as though nobody else lives there and he could be as loud as possible. Now i'm not saying I dont talk on my phone when hes sleeping but I definitely whisper. No whispering from his mouth, it was normal volume from jumpstreet. Loud and laughing. I look at my cell phone and its 7:15 a.m. now and i'm pissed cuz' I won't fall back asleep before it's time to wake up. So I get up and go to work tired and evil and over dressed to impress cuz my goal is to be the best, but I don't wash with Zest. I work a 9 hour day basically on my feet the whole time...and it was just awful. I made it through it and I hope I never go to work that tired again. On my feet the whole money for lunch on my lunch break...things just couldn't have been worse. So I get home to find out my girlfriend's "secret admirer" has now gotten her phone number from a friend and proceeded to call her...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You tried the holding your tounge and it didnt work? hmm it cant touch the roof or the bottom.. it takes a lot of concentration.. thats why it usually works. cuz it tires you out...well baba im sorry you couldnt sleep and had to go to work like that. I always hate being tired at work..and dont stress about that guy.. hes got absolutly nothin on you.. NO ONE CAN EVER COMPARE TO U

12:37 AM  
Blogger Kid Nix said...

now youre speaking my language. which would be what? french? german? what is that?

1:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. u dont need to pay anyone a visit..

1:48 AM  

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