Friday, January 28, 2005
I have to use the bathroom. It's cold and I want to "conk" my hair. I think I will "conk" my hair. I have to use the bathroom too. I'll definitely do that first. I have been holding it for a while, hurts.
Thursday, January 27, 2005
Suspended In Disbelief
It is amazing how much one can retain within ones self. Things that need to come out for the betterment of the soul. It eats away at you. You won't like start deteriorating, although it can wear you down which in turn could make it seem as though you are deteriorating. So unveiling yourself to someone is a big task. It's hard to do, especially when you're hiding something. The person you finally divulge the information to it hits them hard, heavy, like a ton of bricks. However, for you, you feel light as a feather with this information/problem/what have you off your chest and/or mind. You are now ready to face the problem and start solving the problem rather than come up with ways to hide it and hope it goes away. Once you face your problem and start solving it things become much better. This isn't Gattaca. Business has to be attended to. I'm not really sure what exactly im doing but something is going to change. I don't know where, when, or how. But something is going to change...
Sunday, January 23, 2005

Big snow day for us here in New York City. First major storm of the season rolled through and lived up to all the hype that was bestowed upon it. We (as of 3 am Sun. morning) have received 10 inches of snow. It is going to continue through the night and into the morning ending around 1 p.m. Should give us about 3-5 more inches putting our total at anywhere from a foot of snow on up 18 inches i suppose.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005
It's Cold
Better wear a jacket(s), cuz' it's colder than a well digger's butt. Unless of course you dwell in southern california where the temperatures are in the 70's and low 80's as of the last couple days.
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Recommended Reading
I just finished the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Great book. Had to be in order for me to finish it. Maybe i'm late but it's a good book. You fools should read it. Can't wait for the movie either. I've heard rumors that Otm Shank was going to be Cast in it. Decipher that.
It happened to Freddie and now it's happening to me. My girlfriend is taking over the television and watching every reality and prime time show their is to be watched. Luckily I don't watch television that much so i'm not missing any of my shows that I like, but I do have to listen to it. I guess I should just be glad I don't have to watch it with her. She's cool that way. Well I think i'm going to take a nap now.
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Work Shmurk
So a small update on my "working" situation out here in the Big Apple. I am no longer getting any hours at Banana Republic. I guess they did poorly this holiay season. YAY!!! right? So they cut their employees hours down substantially, including mine. Immediately upon hearing of this situation I started sending out my resume everywhere again, joyously I might add. THE next day I received an e-mail from a company that employs lifeguards at various health clubs/condiminiums throughout the Manhattan. Basically saying, "What hours can you work? and where?" I responded and left them my number, the next day they called and I got the job. It was awesome. So now I lifeguard throughout the city at, like I said before, various health clubs/condiminiums in Manhattan. I don't know how much the pay is, but, this sets me up for a future job with the City of New York lifeguarding this summer. So that's that. Oh by the way as i'm sure you know, or should know, the Chargers lost!!! Sad, sad news...if you're a Charger fan. So as I always do...i'll keep you posted. Freddie got a CAT!!! Fricken sweet eh? It's a cool cat though. "kitty, kitty, kitty you smell so pritty."
Saturday, January 08, 2005
Ive heard from the ghost
Cold, rainy Saturday afternoon here in "Gotham" and i'm watching the New York Jets battle the San Diego Chargers in a first round Playoff game. It comes down to one last play for the Chargers to tie it and delay the fate of their season another 12 minutes. They fail. But wait...there's a penalty...and yes, it's on the Jets. First Down on the 1 yard line for the Chargers! They score on their first play out. I go crazy (as i'm routing for San Diego for some strange reason) and I txt message, via my instant messenger, David Ray Owens saying "fucken Chargers!!!" He calls me! Which does two things to me: startles me, and then removes the thought of him being dead from my mind. I answer the phone and he's going nuts and is so excited he can barely carry on a conversation with yours truly. I tell him to call me after the game...he won't. At least he is alive and well though. So to the "fellas" who read my blog. DAVID RAY OWENS IS STILL ALIVE AND WELL...well i'm not sure about the latter. Well let's see what happens with the rest of the game. Next blog will be the final score.
Saturday, January 01, 2005
An Apology Unaccepted
Well another New Year's has been ushered in with a sub-par celebration. Nothing like getting off to a bad start. I personally don't care much for the major celebration of a new year. However when you have plans and they fall through and you end up doing something (nothing) that you weren't planning on I could see how you would get perturbed. My fault. We got some good pictures of the festivities though. Christmas in San Diego was fun. Got to see my immediate family and cousins and my aunt. Eat some good food, which is always a plus. Played some guitar and played with my "manimals" of which includes Monique. Is this winter or fall? It feels like fall. Global Warming at it's finest. According to the EPA, in the last 100 years the earths temperature has risen half a degree celsius, and the sea level has risen 6-8 inches. Oh well right? It's not going affect us that's for sure. Our Grandkids? Hopefully. Hey Pink Floyd and Cornel West are getting together for a tour across America...aptly named "Why War? Oppression that's why Brotha." No unfortunately that's not true. Cornel West won't be reciting spoken word poetry about the "black experience" with Pink Floyd's The Wall playing in the background...dubbed on cassette...because they won't actually be there...they already know everything about the "black experience." After all they "...don't need no education." I guess that tour wouldn't work out very well. Like R. Kelly and Jay-Z. Lindsey Lohan and Ashlee Simpson...NO! Lindsey Lohan and THE Simpsons. Now we're talking. Well I guess that's about it from me. It was good seeing all the guys back in San Diego, that's for sure...sans David of course. What happened? Is anyone else worried?