Saturday, April 30, 2005

Phil Elvrum

He's quite possibly the sweetest, most like, independent, all on your own, home recording wiz guys there is to date. Next to Phil Spector and Doug Martsch, and i'm not sure he hasn't surpassed Doug Martsch. But that's just me talking. Anyway peep this video of I cant Believe You Actually Died the Microphones did. Under Microphones.

Friday, April 29, 2005

ViaViolenta @ Pianos

I decided to post some pictures from the show last night at Pianos. No news, no emotions...why not?

Rajeev has entranced himself with his melodic and chaotic guitar playing Posted by Hello

Ready to rock...or was i? You don't know... Posted by Hello

Hari showing us what it feels like Posted by Hello

Rajeev entrancing us at the Pianos show Posted by Hello

My Boy Joel holdin' down the drums also at Pianos Posted by Hello

Hari and I at Pianos last night. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 28, 2005

new yahoo news layout

I'm diggin it. Real sweet. Easy t0 navigate. AND there are alerts on all your favorite types of news when new stories come up. Check it out Here

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Are You sEARious?

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Doctors found around 50 maggots in the ears of an 84-year-old Thai man after he went to hospital complaining of an itch.

Wednesday's Nation newspaper said Anan Temtan, who lives in the tsunami-hit southern resort island of Phuket, had used cotton buds to relieve the itching, but had scratched so hard his eardrums ruptured and started bleeding.

"We believe flies might have gone inside his ears to lay eggs, which hatched into larvae and caused the itching," said Somsak Nonthasri, the doctor who treated him.

Somsak, who used tweezers and a small suction device to remove the maggots, said Anan would be kept in for observation for a while to make sure no more eggs hatched.

I Scream Dream

Can't sleep. Ice cream isn't digesting properly. Everytime I lay down I belch/vomit (you know what i'm talking about, don't say "eww"). The "hag is going to ride my back tonight", which basically means i'm going to have nightmares. Which is fine with long as i'm SLEEP. Sleep so good. Nightmares tolerable. Waking from nightmares, great. Waking from sleep, sucky! You can't win when the hag is a' ridin'. Let this be a warning to all you late night snackers, hackers and jackers...I've seen the "Hag" and she aint purty...she devours whole souls...serpent sneaks and slithers until it reaches it's destination...then BOOM! lightning it strikes...and whatever it was preying on...engulfed in its darkness. Leaves turn to snakes under sliding glass doors. Beware the yellow leaf.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


The draft got great ratings this weekend. The NFL draft, just wanted to clear that up. Although one of these weekends I won't have to clear anything up. Right?! So if you tuned into the draft this weekend, which all of you most certainly did, then you noticed that you had no idea who was being drafted. I didn't watch much college football this year unfortunately so I don't know who fools are. However as far my team goes (Redskins) we got two first round picks and I had heard of them. Defense and Offense, cornerback and quarterback. Holla at ya bowees from Auburn. Booyah achieved. Redskins got another black quarterback, who by the way is taking Doug Williams' old number 17, hopefully he can lead the charge...although Gibbs is still relying on Ramsey to pull through...I hope he falls flat on his face so this new guy can get a chance. We need some athleticism in the pocket. Not that white people aren't athletic, but Ramsey...haha, cmon! Anyway we play the Chargers this year so i'm stoked about that. Should be a great defensive struggle...but that's almost 6 months away. So I guess you could say, this barely qualifies as news.

Friday, April 22, 2005


This is quite possibly the laziest day of the year for me. Gloomy, no sun, coldest day of the new season (spring). Ate too much for breakfast/lunch/dinner (one big meal at about 4 ish). Disgusting. It's like uhhh...whats the word i'm lookin for here...depressing. It's cool though I enjoy the rain. I can't wait until it rains so hard that the earth is covered in a very shallow pool of acid rain water. Then this palace will be a home. Also want to give a big up to Arizona Fruit Punch drinks, they're so good, Rajeev concurs. Does he read my blog? I really can't stand that guy. With his curly hair, long sideburns, button nose, spacey eyes, quick wit...Anyway like I was saying about the new Pope, they should have picked my man from Africa. Crazy Cardinals...and by crazy I mean racist.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

McDonalds Here I Come

Well yours truly has lost two of his shifts. Didn't get fired from the company but no longer works on Saturday and Sunday for 10 hours each day. It was crappy in the first place. I'm not so mad it happened. I can find more hours during the week or possibly a second job to work days I have off during the week. Either way...the only thing I can get is a job at McDonalds. I make 8 dollars an hour so pretty much anything I get should be at or near there. So "picky" is not even something I understand. It's a beautiful day today. Read some word last night and prayed. Not sure what He's got in store for me right now. I can tell you that I had a vision that I wasn't working this weekend shift anymore. Could be now I can make church Sundays. He would take away all that so I could fellowship and hear His word. "Are you basking in the sun? Is anybody in the sun? cuz' He's in you." -Rick

Thursday, April 07, 2005


3 days in a row in the mid 70s. Windows open, shirts off, tops down. Feels so good makes me wanna holla at ya bowee!!!